Meeting of the Sensing groups – Province of Spain
As a first milestome in the roadmap for the General Chapter 2024 to be held in Czestochowa (Poland) from October 15 to November 7 of this year under the theme "Hospitality in a changing world", and which is intended to be lived and developed as a process of discernment, two meetings have been held in Madrid with the participation of about 70 people of the Province of St. John of God Spain.
The first took place on January 25 and, as Josep Pifarré, coordinator of the Motor Group created after the European Regional Assembly held in Marseille, explained, "In line with synodality, we have the task of encouraging the maximum possible participation, to broaden awareness of the trends and changes that are coming, both in the world around us and in our internal context".
Specifically, work has been done around the following four major themes: Governance of the Order, Charismatic Transmission, Mission of the Province of SJD Spain towards 2030 and the Positioning of the brothers at the present time. In order to work on them, eight perception groups have been created, formed by brothers and collaborators. These groups have been working during the last few weeks and met on January 25.
From here and in the coming months, a new phase will begin, which will consist of broadening the look towards different groups of interest, both internal and external, to continue enriching the discernment process entrusted to us for the General Chapter.
On the other hand, last January 30, the first of the two Meetings of Superiors and Formators that are convened every year was held, with the attendance of 35 confreres, of whom 23 are Superiors of centers of St. John of God in Spain. The main theme of this meeting, to which a major part of the work was dedicated, was the preparation for the General Chapter.
On the other hand, a space was reserved during the day called 'Hospitality in action', with the objective that some professionals presented three realities of the Mission of the Order that are currently being carried out in Spain: Accompaniment of the disabled, International Protection Program and Youth and Mental Health.