Meeting of the Sensing groups – Province of Korea
A. The Topics and Group Composition
1. Future of Apostolic Services
- Sensing Group 1(Gwangju & Damyang): Mr. Yang Seung Shik(Co-ordinator/Menni Elderly Nursing Home), Bro. Luke Baek, Ms. Kim Jung Hwa(North Gwangju Addiction Center), Ms. Kim Hwa Ran (Gwangju Park Elderly Center), Mr. Lee Jung Ki (John’s Village)
- Sensing Group 2(Seoul): Ms. Choi Dai (Co-ordinator / Evergreen Welfare Center), Mr. Kim Do Hyun(H2Vill), Ms. Im Hye Sook(Evergreen House), Ms. Ju Soo Hyun(Kang-seo Life-long Education Center for People with Developmental Disability), Ms. Ahn Jae Shun(Family of client)
2. Climate & Ecology
- Sensing Group: Ms. Ma Kyong Yon(Co-ordinator/Provincial Education), Bro. Steven Gwon, Ms. Jung Kyong Hwa(St. John of God Hospital), Ms. Ryu Myong Song(St. John of God Hospital), Ms. Lee Kyong Hee(Provincal Administration)
3. Spiritual Needs and Care
- Sensing Group: Ms. Lee Eun Hee(Co-ordinator/Provincial Pastoral Care), Sr. Kim Yong Mi(St. John of God Hosptial CPE Center), Ms. Yu Eun Hee(St. John of God Hospital), Ms. Im Kyong Mi(John’s Village), Mr. Lee Yong Ju(Evergreen Welfare Center)
4. Solidarity and Co-operation
- Sensing Group: Mr. Ki Wan Soo(Co-ordinator/Provincial Administration), Ms. Oh Hyun Song(St. John of God Hospital), Ms. Kim Hoe Kyong(Granada Sheltered Workshop), Ms. Kim Hwa Jin(East Gwangju Mental Health and Welfare Center), Ms. Lee Chang Sook(North Gwangju Addiction Center)
5. Cultivating the Culture of St. John of God Family
- Sensing Group: Ms. Kim Ae Ran(Co-ordinator/Provincal Secretary), Br. Thadu Kang, Ms. Kim Yon Hwa(Retiree, Former Director of North Gwangju Addiction Center), Ms. Park Hyun Mi(Kang-seo Life-long Education Center for People with Developmental Disability), Ms. Yang Na Rae(North Gwangju Addiction Center)
6. Religious Life:
- All the brothers in Korean Province – divided by 4 brothers according to the order of profession. They had 1st Sensing Group Meeting at the Brothers Assembly on Jan 22, 2024.
B. Guidelines for Sensing Groups
The following is the guidelines that the groups agreed to go on.
1. Time schedule
- Members Appointment of Sensing Groups: Dec. 20, 2023
- Start of sensing activities: Right after the appointment of members
They can develop questions for sensing by each topic before the Education for All the Members of Sensing Groups. - Education for All the Members: Jan. 19, 2024
- Sending the results from each sensing group to the Co-ordinators Group: April 30, 2024
- Sending the report to the General Curia: May 14, 2024
2. Times of Meetings and agenda
- Co-ordinators Meeting(at least once a month) – checking up the progress, setting the overall timeline, sharing experiences, suggesting ideas and concerns, and developing the explanation about sensing group’s questionnaire or interview survey and consent form of agreement, and etc
- Each Sensing Groups Meetings – setting up each group’s timeline, deciding the scope of targets and the methods of sensing activities, development of questionnaire, and times of meetings, and etc
3. Number of questionnaire survey or interview planned to be received:
around 20 to 30 in each group, at least 120 people we can contact.
4. The type of persons that we can meet:
brothers, co-workers, retired co-workers, experts, clients, family, officials, etc.
5. Methods of Sensing Activities:
Searching the related articles, self-report questionnaire survey, one to one interview, focused group interviews, telephone survey, e-mail, zoom, etc.
6. Communication:
Circulate Provincial’s official letters to all in each steps to get their attention and encourage their active participation.