Completion of work on directions and recommendations
The capitulants worked on a draft statement, leading to extensive reflections and clarifications across various topics, with adjustments made throughout the day to the points addressed.
The document is composed of two parts: one covering the four themes developed with collaborators (transmission of the charism, governance, finances, and new realities), and the other covering five themes specific to the life of the Brothers and communities (structures, “spiritual worldliness,” formation, the role of the Brothers, and care for elderly Brothers).
A finalized version of this document will be presented by the drafting committee for a capitulants’ vote on November 5. These directions will set the path that the Chapter intends to encourage for the new governance of the Order.
On Thursday, the capitulants will enter the third phase of the Chapter, focused on the election of the Superior General and his council, which will last until November 4. A religious sister will join the capitulants to guide them throughout this phase, from its official opening on Thursday through to the election of the Superior General (this Friday) and of the councilors (Monday). This is a time that the Brothers are called to live in prayer and discernment.