General Chapter 2024: intergenerational perspectives
How has this Chapter enriched your vision of the realities within the Order?
Brother Louis: This Chapter has been a rich experience, particularly thanks to the exchanges with our lay coworkers who joined us for the first two weeks. Together, we have reflected on transmitting our charism in a rapidly changing world. Our discussions were very open and should lead to concrete resolutions for the Order’s future. As a young brother, I feel strongly the importance of this intergenerational transmission, both with coworkers and with older brothers who share their experiences and wisdom with us.
Brother Donatus: For me, this Chapter is quite different from the previous ones, especially in how we’ve integrated coworkers. In the past, their presence was more symbolic; this time, they have fully participated in the discussions, with equal voice to the brothers. This evolution truly reflects our common mission, as it’s often the laity who take on the daily work with the sick and marginalized. There was a real freedom of expression, essential for reflecting on our mission of hospitality in an increasingly divided and suffering world.
Governance was one of the major topics discussed. How do you approach such a theme, given the varied realities across different provinces?
Brother Louis: The theme of governance pushes us to rethink how we transmit our charism and manage our works. It has been a great learning experience to discover the realities in Europe, which are very different from ours in Africa or India, for instance. This dynamic encourages us to draw closer together and learn from each other’s experiences and challenges.
Brother Donatus: Governance within the Order has evolved tremendously. In the past, our way of life was more monastic, centered on community. Today, the emphasis is on ensuring our charism’s continuity, regardless of who manages it. We must preserve Saint John of God’s ethics and mission by finding new forms of governance that enable both Brothers and coworkers to sustain the mission of hospitality. The renewal initiated by Vatican II taught us to return to fundamental sources like Scripture and our founders’ charism. This is what we need to do, in light of the times, to remain credible.
What is your vision of the Hospitaller Brother’s role in a changing world?
Brother Louis: The difference between our vocation as Brothers and simply being professionals is fundamental. Being a Brother isn’t just about working in a hospital or social center; it’s a way of being, a witness that must inspire others. Our role is to transmit and embody our charism of hospitality so that our coworkers can also absorb it.
Brother Donatus: The Brother’s role has indeed evolved. Today, he is more of a mentor and guide, a witness to the values of Saint John of God. It’s not a role of control but one of accompaniment. We must transmit our story, our heritage, and be a prophetic presence, even in challenging environments. Hospitality can create bonds where differences seem insurmountable; it makes the impossible possible. I’ve seen this in our hospital in Nazareth, where coworkers and patients of all faiths work extraordinarily with the Brothers.
How can we remain faithful to this role in a world where the temptation toward “spiritual worldliness,” often criticized by Pope Francis, is ever-present?
Brother Louis: As Brothers, we are privileged to live daily contact with the most vulnerable. This pushes us to see Christ through them and make our lives a constant prayer. Spiritual worldliness – whether due to money, material goods, or pride – is a temptation that affects us all. In addition to being faithful to prayer, we must support each other to resist this and remain true to the charism of hospitality.
Brother Donatus: We must continually renew ourselves in our vocation, as Vatican II invited us to do. Before, we lived solely through rules. Today, our way of functioning is more open, offering many more possibilities, as long as we stay focused on the Scriptures and Saint John of God’s example. Just consider the extraordinary life of this man, a homeless outcast rejected by society, who achieved an incredible work in just twelve years after his conversion! He simply did what God called him to do. In these times, where Gospel values often clash with worldly values, it’s crucial to bear witness to an authentic faith and remind ourselves that our mission is above all to serve those on the margins.