Reflection on the Second Week
Monday, October 21st and Tuesday, October 22nd
Dialogue with God
“God, I come to You with all my hopes, expectations, desires, and preconceived fears regarding the future of the Order. I lay them before You. Please help me set them aside so that I can fully open myself to Your will. Help me to listen to You, to hear You, and to make space for this renewed life that You offer us, Order of Saint John of God. Help me to listen, with my heart, to what is truly Your will, and help me recognize when it might be my own ego speaking, rather than You.”
A new week begins. The participants are now ready for a full day of dialogue with God. “Give yourselves a moment of silence throughout the day.” In the chapel, at the hotel, in the park outside… everyone had the chance to reflect on the key questions: “What are the essential questions raised last week that I remember?”; “What impact does this have on me today?”; “What do I need to gather to open this discerning body, in order to understand the necessary letting go for the vitality of the Order?”
At the end of the day, they share in small groups what emerged from their reflection and dialogue with God, preparing for the goal of the following Tuesday: to formulate the key phrases that encapsulate everyone’s feelings and realizations.
On Tuesday morning, after an opening prayer proposed by the Indian Province, they gather in expanded groups of 18 participants, bringing together several languages in each. Each group must choose 2 phrases that would apply in their own language.
Wednesday, October 23rd
As they move forward in the dynamics and work of the Chapter, on Wednesday, the participants focus on the phase of “guidelines” for our common future. The time has come to reflect on what should guide our post-chapter future.
During the day, 17 groups of 5 worked on four main themes:
- The transmission of the charism
- Finances
- Governance
- Emerging realities
For each theme, the different groups were invited to discuss the following questions:
- What should we let go of?
- What should we continue to do and strengthen?
- What should we continue to do, but in a different way?
Thursday, October 24th: Last day with coworkers
Let us all express our faith in the hospitality of Saint John of God
“Thank you to all participants for this intense work done in a short time.” Brother Jesus Etayo, Superior General
“A warm thank you for everyone’s work!” Brother Joaquim Erra i Mas, General Councilor
“I am grateful to each one for the work done at this stage,” Brother Donatus Forkan, Provincial Superior of Western Europe
On this last day gathering coworkers and Brothers, the participants work in teams on 4 themes: the transmission of the charism, one on finance, one on governance, and one on the emergence of new realities. The idea: to crystallize what emerges on these different points: What do you want to say? What is your message?
In the late afternoon, the Eucharist is celebrated to give thanks to the coworkers present at the chapter who will return on Friday and this weekend to their respective Provinces. A very sincere thank you for their commitment, contributions, and intense devotion to the life and future of the Order, also during these days of the General Chapter.
“I wish that we always have the strength to carry hospitality around the world: let us bring peace where there is war, let us give a friendship hand where there is solitude. Let us be where we are expected and where we are not expected to be,” concluded Brother Jesus Etayo in his homily.
In return, the coworkers addressed a Message to the Brothers, translated into all 8 languages, expressing their deep gratitude.