Let’s all express our faith in the Hospitality of Saint John of God
It is up to us to clarify these messages. Participants are invited to determine the following points:
- What are the 3 or 4 key points on which the Chapter, at this stage and in this configuration, seems to be fully converging and in full agreement?
- What are 2 or 3 points that seem to generate a broad consensus?
- What are 1 or 2 points that seem to require further discussion, as there does not yet seem to be a consensus on them?
"Thank you to all the participants for this intense work accomplished in a short time." Brother Jesus Etayo, General Superior
"A warm thank for everyone's work!" Brother Joaquim Erra i Mas, General Counselor
"I am grateful to each one for the work done at this stage," Brother Donatus Forkan, Provincial Superior of Western Europe.
Ten days ago, we began our work together here, with 87 people—Brothers and collaborators. The aim was to see how the Order’s mission of hospitality is fulfilled in all its dimensions. Key questions were raised, moving at a steady pace, neither too fast nor too slow, while considering linguistic and cultural differences. We listened to God and the message He gave us. We shared it and reflected together on what to do, what to avoid, and what to strengthen.
However, the work accomplished must continue throughout the rest of the Chapter.
Eventually, the participants were invited to express a word about their feelings regarding the diligent work done during these 10 days alongside the Brothers. Each table proposed a word:
- "Hope"
- "Trust"
- "Together"
- "Mission"
- "Renewal"
- "Search"
- "Perseverance"
- "Fruitful"
A mass held to celebrate our shared charism of Hospitality
It is 5:30 PM, and the last working day between the brothers and the coworkers is coming to an end. A mass is celebrated to mark the conclusion of this first part of the Chapter and to thank the coworkers who have invested themselves during the Chapter. And before the Chapter, the Hospitaller Family did a wonderful preparatory job during the sensing phase. Two weeks rich in collaborations, shared visions, and debates.
Excerpt from Brother Jesus Etayo’s Homily:
"The Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God, without the coworkers, cannot be understood and would lose its meaning. We respond to the world that hospitality is an answer to selfishness, to wars, to all those who see others as enemies. I want this liturgy to live in our hearts. Coworkers, you are called to embody the charism of Saint John of God. The love of God is the greatest wisdom we can possess. The faith we live is unique. This faith we wish to live is one of love, charity, and a sense of service to others. The Will of God is to give one's life in service to others. This faith translates into daily actions toward the most needy. I wish that we always have the strength to carry hospitality into the world, even against the current: let us bring peace where there is war, and a helping hand where there is loneliness. Let us be where we are expected to be and where we are not.”
Each of us should carry this hospitality and this faith in hospitality and the sense of service to others. “May the Holy Spirit continue to enlighten the work of the General Chapter and the election of the new General Government. Have faith, have confidence and BE BOLD!”: the mass ended with a letter from the coworkers addressed to the brothers, translated into all the languages of the Chapter. In gratitude to the Brothers who invited them, the collaborators also symbolically offered a representation of the Virgin of Czestochowa to each Provincial Superior and the General Father.
Brothers or collaborators, some will remain in Czestochowa while others will leave, but more than ever, we all walk together in the same direction.