Executive Committee Meeting
The group, composed of Bro. Joaquim Erra (General Curia), Bro. Pascal Ahodegnon (General Curia), Bro. Thomas Väth (Germany), Bro. Binish Mulackal (Vatican Pharmacy/Rome), Ms Immaculada Roig (Spain), Ms Yvonne Nolan (Ireland), Mr Nuno Lopes (Portugal), Mr Pierre Antoine Chevalier (France) and Mr Nikolaus Mutschlechner (General Curia), discussed a whole range of topics under the guidance of the Chapter moderator, Mr Matthieu Daum.
In particular, the committee started to define the Chapter's calendar. In addition, it drew up an outline for harvesting the fruits of the sensing groups that are currently working in the Provinces. Another topic that was extensively examined was how to make the chapter participants experience, despite language barriers, the fact of constituting 'one body' and promote mutual knowledge and rapprochement.
Finally, a list was presented at the meeting with all the groups and sensing topics that are being worked on in the Provinces.
The work of the committee will continue with a zoom meeting to be held towards the end of March.